Your Pelvis is NOT too Small to Birth a Baby
Ah, the history of birth and the myth of having a "too small" pelvis for natural childbirth have quite the intertwined story. Throughout the centuries, our understanding of childbirth and the pelvis has evolved from ancient mysticism to modern science. In the past, when knowledge was limited, there were fears and superstitions about a woman's ability to give birth naturally, often linked to the size and shape of her pelvis. Thankfully, we've come a long way since then. Today, we know that a woman's pelvis is incredibly adaptable, designed to accommodate a baby's journey into the world.
The Myths and Realities: Why Wine Isn't a Treatment for Postpartum Intimacy Pain
Becoming a parent is a life-altering experience filled with joy, love, and undoubtedly, challenges. Among the numerous adjustments new parents face, one topic that often remains unspoken is the pain and discomfort many women encounter during intimacy postpartum. In search of relief, some may turn to a glass of wine, believing it can ease both physical and emotional pain. However, it's essential to debunk this common myth and explore the reasons why wine is not a suitable treatment for postpartum intimacy pain.
The Nitty-Gritty of Postpartum Weight Loss and Breastfeeding
Hey there, new moms and mom-to-bes! If you're reading this, you've probably embarked on the incredible journey of motherhood and are now navigating the ever-so-delicate balance between breastfeeding and weight loss during the postpartum period. First things first, let me tell you this – you're amazing, and your body is doing something truly remarkable. But let's dive into some hard truths about this particular chapter in your life.
The Art of Pushing: Closed vs Open Glottis Pushing
Closed glottis pushing and open glottis pushing are two different techniques used during the second stage of labor, specifically when a woman is pushing to give birth. These techniques relate to how a woman breathes and pushes during contractions to facilitate the delivery of the baby